Let's get you feeling fucking amazing.

I support professionals at every level.
By giving yourself time to navigate your internal world, you can actually create everything you desire.

My clients are insightful, openminded, and committed to growth.

They work with me, because they know they want more.

Any of these sound familiar?

You're in the process of leveling up.

You know that you're capable, because it's all working. You're entering the next phase of your career on schedule and you want to feel confident, certain, and jazzed about being there.

You're ready for more opportunities.

You see other people thriving and it feels you've been waiting for someone to give you the "green light." Deep down you know what you want and you're ready to start trusting and honoring your desires.

You're fulfilling a bigger life purpose.

It's clear that you're here on this planet to make an impact. You're excited to find a cohesive way to use your unique talent, skills, and passion to change and improve the world around you.

You're longing for inner peace.

You've been flexible and making it work, but you're mentally exhausted. You're done with putting out fires for everyone else. It's time to relax into your life with simplicity, ease, and contentment.


Exceptional creatives all over the world work with me to uplevel the quality of their life experience.


Because no matter what you've accomplished, there's still a gap between where you are now and where you really want to be. 


I promise...


It's not a problem. 

You're allowed to want more.

The next chapter doesn't have to be as hard.

Life can be even EASIER than you imagine.


 I can help you.


Throughout our work together, we'll 10x the vision that you have for your life, while lightening how it feels to move towards those next goals.


This applies to all areas of your life— personally, professionally, and financially.


Your next season gets to be full of ease, flow, and alignment— through RECEIVING, rather than efforting.


To use your creative bandwidth, time, and energy more efficiently— let's chat.


I get my clients results with a simple process.

Step 1: Manage your mind.

Thoughts are optional. You'll start identifying thoughts from facts to see through your old Stories. With deeper awareness, you can truly let that shit go and create new possibilities. You'll build a Mindset Toolbox to support yourself in real time, to navigate any circumstance with ease and authenticity.

Step 2: Decide who you are.

It's easy to have the career and life you want, when you know Who you want to be. This part of the process serves as your North Star and will influence how we build all areas of your life. Using Belief Before Results, you'll step into being your Future Self right here, right now. This includes creating tight ass boundaries, with yourself and others, that align with who you're becoming.

Step 3: Love yourself and your decisions.

It's safe to love and trust yourself. I will introduce you to next-level self trust that you didn't even know existed. You can release The Second Layer of indecision, judgment, and shame, because you'll have your own back. Life will happen, and when you're loving yourself and your decisions, it's a different kind of life experience. This impacts everything - your relationship with time, money, your body, the people in your life, your career, and most importantly, your relationship with You.

Step 4: Commit.

Your brain will always offer a way out of doing the "different" and new, hard, scary thing. However, doing the damn thang is the only way to create any new outcome in your life. You will learn how to take radical responsibility and fully commit to anything you desire. With this skill, your goals go from possible to inevitable every. single. time. Plus, you'll learn how to do life without the struggle, exhaustion, and hustle, because you'll finally see how things are always working out for you.

I work with clients in 3 containers.



Lifetime Membership

This offers the foundational work of learning how to love your life as an actor, singer, or dancer - while feeling fully resourced for the rest of your career. 

You'll gain the emotional tools to have a healthier relationship with yourself and all parts of your career, so that actively pursuing your dream feels sustainable - emotionally, physically, and financially.


6 Month Mastermind

This container is for professional actors, singers, and dancers that want to have it all. You're already creating your life on-demand and you know it's not a fluke. You have the foundational tools of thought work, emotional management, and manifestation.

You actively make desire-based decisions and you're ready to welcome in extraordinary wealth, opportunities, and success as a performer and beyond.

THE PARADIGM enrolls only twice a year— for a January and July class. Join the waitlist to hear when doors reopen.

Private 1:1 Coaching

6 Month Program

This container is for clients who prefer to do the deep work individually and/or may require certain levels of privacy and discretion while experiencing the life changing benefits, transformation, and support of this work. It also serves people who want to experience my coaching, but are not performers.

It is highly personalized and can assist with stepping into new seasons of visibility, recognition, and career expansion by creating self trust, inner peace, and joy. All while growing the capacity to engage with your next level success.

We work together for at least 6 months.

This length of time guarantees the best results with my process. 6 months is the perfect amount of time to see real transformation while accounting for the highs, lows, and everything in between. At the end of 6 months, you will feel completely different than when we began.

If your goal requires more than 6 months, renewing the container gives you an opportunity to re-enter the agreement as your Highest Self. Many of my clients renew to keep moving towards new goals they hadn't realized were possible for them before.


Every week, we meet for an hour.

*Biweekly calls inside of Momentum

You commit to giving yourself an hour a week to focus on your growth. Each call is an opportunity to practice and step into who you want to be in the world. It's imperative that we meet regularly to clean out your brain and address any limiting beliefs that may be impacting your decision making. The way you show up in our container directly correlates to how you are showing up for the rest of your life.


I will be your Truth Mirror.

As your coach, I provide an objective perspective. I am a professional and trained to do this. I am always 100% on your side and advocating for your vision. This means I will say the hard thing, even when it's uncomfortable. Because in this space, you don't need another friend, advice, or my opinion. You need a coach to keep you honest about what is happening in your life and why. This leads to life changing results.

During our calls, we do the deep work AND we have a lot of freaking fun.

There's room for it all.

Choosing to invest in coaching will transform your life in ways you can't fully imagine yet.

Clients come to me and leave feeling like "a totally different person."

They describe it as lighter, happier, more hopeful, and excited about what's coming next. 

New possibilities, life trajectories, and generational legacies are being created.

You can deeply love who you are while giving yourself permission to be the fullest expression of you during your ONE AND ONLY human life.

It's all available to you right now.

Click below to schedule your free Launch Call.