Feel confident, calm, and certain about your performing career— FOREVER.


You've trained your entire life to get where you are.


Yeah... and, what do I have to show for it?

If your brain is yelling, NOTHING! WHY AM I STILL DOING THIS?!


Keep reading.


You've spent years dedicated to becoming excellent at your craft. Sacrificing over and over again to put your career first. It always felt worth it, because it's your freaking DREAM.


You've watched friends reach career success and often wonder, when is it MY turn?


Me, too! 

Let me tell you a quick story...


Back in June 2014, I had just finished working on a cruise ship. I moved back to NYC and for the first time had glimmers of belief that *I* could be on Broadway.


I quickly got a restaurant job and started hustlinggg, going to as many auditions as possible— as a nonunion, unrepresented performer. I was in the grind and feeling productive. I had done this before, I could do it again.


Early 2015, my best friend made her Off Broadway debut. 

As happy as I wanted to be for her, I went to the bathroom at intermission and cried.


I saw her living her DREAM and it overwhelmed me with sadness. Because I realized that for the last 6 months, nothing had happened for me.


I felt terrible! I couldn't fully be happy for her success without (secretly) being jealous or having it reminding me of my current failure.


Now listen! If this sounds familiar...

This is the part where I tell you that nothing is wrong with you— and, there is a solution.

Because the story doesn't end there. Here's where it get's juicyyy!


In the coming months, my entire life changed.


I discovered the secret to having the career of my dreams!


In March 2015, I went to an open call for an agency and GOT SIGNED. On my birthday in August, I declared I was going to be on Broadway by the end of the year. In November, I quit my restaurant job WITHOUT a contract.


In January 2016, I direct booked my Broadway debut, while taking a nap in Starbucks!


I had been waiting for hours to confirm the time for a vocal appointment. Instead, my agents called and said, "You're making your Broadway debut!"

When I realized how simple it was, I cried.

Except this time I was crying tears of JOY.


In order to actually have the career that you want, you have to understand The 80/20 Rule.


Most performers are trying to build their careers with 80% Forced Action and 20% Mindset. When in fact, it requires 80% Mindset and Energy, and only 20% Inspired Action.


It's the difference between sending out hundreds of resumes to agents and taping endless auditions to hear crickets, versus effortlessly landing your dream contract.


And if you're still reading, I'm guessing that you'd like to take the path of least resistance.


This is where you have a choice.


Performer A: 

Yeah, of course! If it could be easier, that would be nice. Except I'm not willing or try doing things a new way. This might be too good to be true and I don't want to look stupid. The "reality" is that it's really hard to be in this profession and I'll just try to stay positive.

Performer B:

Ok, I've tried it this way long enough and it isn't working. Because I actually want to love and enjoy my career again! It would be really great if this WAS the solution and I got to do more with ease. And, if it worked for Kelli, I'm willing to believe it can work for ME too. 

Which one do You want to be?

Coaching has helped me reframe and refocus my relationship to literally everything. The groundedness, peace, joy, confidence, the ability to trust myself, to trust my instincts - have been exponential.

J. Harrison Ghee, Tony & Grammy Award Winner

So here's how this works.


You currently have a set of practiced thoughts and beliefs that are shaping your entire life experience, including your professional career. Most of these beliefs have been given to you by your parents, friends, teachers, and society.


And, we can always "reverse engineer" these beliefs based on what's happening in your life. Because our outer world (aka, life experience) is simply a reflection of our inner world. What you think and feel on a regular basis directly impacts what you experience. 


When it comes to your performing career, there are 4 Types of Thoughts contributing to The Energy of Your Career.


Thoughts about You

Thoughts about Your Career

Thoughts about Auditions

Thoughts about the Industry


Based on the most practiced thoughts in these 4 Categories, I can immediately tell whether a performer is alignment with their dreams or blocking them. 


Because energy doesn't lie.


No matter how much action you take, you cannot get new results without changing your energy.

The Universe does not reward you for your effort.

It responds to your energy.

My entire life is different and at the core of it, it’s knowing that I am the one who gets to decide. Less trying to make do with what I'm given and instead just choosing what I want.
Madison Sorrentino
I’m stepping into myself in a way that I’ve never done before - the most stretched, open, and free. I got what I came for, I feel powerful, and I’m really enjoying every aspect of my life!
Kim Blanck
There was so much cleaning up to do in my mind, and once I committed to noticing my thoughts and believing new ones, I've gotten to create everything I've ever wanted - in every aspect of my life. 
Rachel Josefina

In 30 Days, you can reset The Energy of Your Career. 


I'll break it down step-by-step with daily videos, so you can learn the EXACT Process that I used to create my Broadway debut. 


So that your 4 Types of Thoughts are in alignment with the things you want to experience.


And the best part?


You can come back to it over and over again, throughout your career.


In my Process, you'll also learn the foundational tools and skills for Emotional Intelligence— that are essential for creating ease, freedom, and peace throughout your entire career.

It's time to raise the bar for how it feels to pursue your professional career in the performing arts. 

And, it's entirely in your control.

I'd like to officially invite you to join Momentum—

The #1 Community for Performing Artists.


I have created the life and career of my DREAMS and I want you to experience it, too!


Here's Everything You Get When You Join Momentum:


  • The 30 Day Reboot (Begins October 1, 2024)Reset The Energy of Your Career with step-by-step videos to start creating your career from ease. In under 20 minutes a day, you'll shift how you feel and experience your entire life as a performer. 
  • LIVE Group Coaching Calls — Every other week, we meet on Monday at 12pm EST for hot seat coaching to work through your blocks. Replays posted within 24 hours, with access to all of our Past Calls.
  • The Momentum Community— Join our badass Community of professionals who are leading the industry with love! A safe space to celebrate, be seen, and maintain your Momentum.
  • Ask A Coach— Unlimited on-demand written Coaching 24/7. Submit your coaching request anytime and receive personalized coaching from Kelli within 24-48 hours.
  • Immediate Access to The Performers Plan®— My OG Program to help you build a sustainable foundation for your performing career. This course has 4 Modules, MIND, BODY, MONEY, and COMMITMENT.
  • The Performers Plan® Workbook— All of my best coaching questions, prompts, and tools compiled into worksheets that create lifelong transformation. The Workbook walks you through each Module with thoughtfulness and purpose.
  • Growing Library of Bonus Content— Including a Self Coaching Module to learn essential coaching tools, Prioritizing Pleasure: 7 Day Challenge, Moving from Survival Mode to Creation Mode, How to Love Auditions as a Portal to Self Trust, Authenticity, and Love with Pre & Post Audition Worksheets. 


When you join, you also get lifetime membership, so you're supported for the rest of your career.

Join Momentum with Lifetime Access. 

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A quick note if you're on the fence💛

I don't remember the last time I didn't feel confident about what I was doing. I'm able to navigate being an artist much easier - the life of an artist is easier.
Hannah B.
I'm most proud of realizing that I actually do know what I want. And now, it's not that I consult less, but I consult myself more.
Hazel Karooma-Brooker
I know that I am capable of doing the work. Everything I do is evidence that I'm a professional actor and the momentum is still going
Erin B.

Meet Your Coach



Hi, I'm Kelli Youngman—

Broadway Performer, Manifesting QUEEN, and Go-To Life Coach for Industry Pros.


My clients and I do the deep work and have a lot of freaking fun doing it. I know firsthand that this works, because I've used coaching to completely change my life.

As I mentioned, I manifested my Broadway debut while taking a nap in Starbucks! Using my energy and intention, I allowed a 10-show contract to effortlessly become 6 months of performances and getting to be part of the closing company.

My entire career has felt this magically delish - always knowing I'll end up exactly where I'm meant to be.

Everything changed when I became a coach, because in addition to understanding how the Universe works, I finally learned how to be with myself in any experience and love myself, exactly as I am.

I stopped being afraid of my negative emotions and fearing that I was keeping my desires away from me. I stopped trying to change the people around me. I stopped thinking I was better than other humans who weren't living by these principles. I stopped trying to be perfect in order to earn the love, respect, and approval of others.

Coaching has given me the gift of moving through my life with 100% authenticity while allowing myself to have any experience that I desire.

I've watched myself have my own back and be genuinely okay in challenging circumstances, to a degree that I didn't know was possible - I'm talking business launch during a cancer scare while moving mid-pandemic (!!)

I've created new possibilities for myself, my family, my relationships in general, and the impact that I can have in the world - because I'm now willing to hold the full responsibility of my life experience from a place of radical self trust.

All because, I have the capacity to see all parts of me and remain committed to the truth of who I am, what I'm feeling, and what I desire.

I love sharing this work with anyone who chooses to engage with it, because I know with 100% certainty that it will transform your life and expand the depths of your human experience.

I look forward to supporting you!


With love,


When you join Momentum, you


  • Master loving yourself and your career.
  • Genuinely enjoy auditioning.
  • Believe in the opportunities you want ahead of time.
  • Manifest more opportunities.
  • Trust yourself as the Highest Authority.
  • Have a life coach for life. 



I'll see you inside!

xo, Kelli